August 9, 2024
Cindy Wong graduated with an M.S. in Chemical Engineering and is now a Ph.D. student at the University of Colorado Boulder. Congratulations, Cindy!!
May 6, 2024
Sasha Gao defended her thesis! Congratulations, Dr. Gao!
May 3, 2024
Lauren Clarke defended her thesis! Congratulations, Dr. Clarke!
September 7, 2023
Sasha, Javit and Fik recently collaborated on a paper entitled, “Modeling the Impact of Electrolyte Flow on Heat Management in a Li-Ion Convection Cell” that was published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
August 24, 2023
Bert, and Fik recently collaborated with Robert Darling and James Saraidaridis on a paper entitled, “A method for quantifying crossover in redox flow cells through compositionally unbalanced symmetric cell cycling” that was published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
August 7, 2023
Trent, Bert, and Fik recently collaborated with Prof. Ariel Furst, Dr. Gang Fan and Evan B. Moore on a paper entitled, “Characterizing the Impact of Oligomerization on Redox Flow CellPerformance” that was published in Batteries & Supercaps, Chemistry Europe. Congratulations!!!
June 21, 2023
Lauren, Katelyn, McLain and Fik recently collaborated on a paper entitled, “Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Capture and Concentration”that was published in Chemical Reviews. Congratulations!!!
June 12, 2023
Madhu, Bert, Nick, Chris, AJ, and Fik recently collaborated on a paper entitled, “Modeling Electrochemical and Rheological Characteristics of Suspension-Based Electrodes for Redox Flow Cells” that was published in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
May 1, 2023
AJ and Fik collaborated on a paper entitled, “ Leveraging graphical models to enhance in situ analyte identification via multiple voltammetric techniques ” that was published in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Congratulations!!!
March 15, 2023
Kara and Fik collaborated on a paper entitled, “ Materials availability and supply chain considerations for vanadium in grid-scale redox flow batteries ” that was published in the Journal of Power Sources. Congratulations!!!
March 2, 2023
Fik and Bert recently had a paper published with the Odom Group (as well as other collaborators in JCESR) entitled, “ Concentration-dependent cycling of phenothiazine-based electrolytes in nonaqueous redox flow cells ” in Chemistry an Asian Journal . This work is dedicated in honor and memory of Professor Susan A. Odom. Congratulations!!!
February 22, 2023
Fik and Charles recently had a paper entitled, “Bayesian-Optimization-Assisted Laser Reduction of Poly(acrylonitrile) for Electrochemical Applications” published in ACS Nano . Congratulations!!!
January 6, 2023
Charles, Alex and Fik publish a paper entitled, “ Synthesis and Characterization of Dense Carbon Films as Model Surfaces to Estimate Electron Transfer Kinetics on Redox Flow Battery Electrodes ” in ACS Publications/Langmuir. Congratulations!!!
December 1, 2022
Fikile Brushett has won the Allan P. Colburn Award for Excellence in Publications by a Young Member of the Institute! Congratulations!!!
November 22, 2022
Charles, Kara, and Fik publish a manuscript in collaboration with Mike Perry and Yet-Ming Chiang entitled, “ Hy drogen evolution mitigation in iron-chromium redox flow batteries via electrochemical purification of the electrolyte ” in the Journal of Power Sources. Congratulations!!!
October 25, 2022
Chris, Bert, Charles and Fik publish a paper entitled, “Toward a Mechanically Rechargeable Solid Fuel Flow Battery Based on Earth-Abundant Materials” in ACS Omega. Congratulations!!!
October 4, 2022
Lauren, Katelyn, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Jenny Yang (UC Irvine) and Prof. Anastassia Alexandrova (UCLA) entitled, ” Molecular Design of Redox Carriers for Electrochemical CO2 Capture and Concentration ” in Chemical Society Reviews. Congratulations!!!
September 8, 2022
Fonathan, Fik, and Bert published a paper in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society entitled, “Connecting material properties and redox flow cell cycling performance through zero-dimensional models” . Congratulations!!!
August 29, 2022
AJ, Bert, and Fik publish a perspective in memory of Prof. Susan Odom with University of Kentucky collaborators Daniel Dailey, Prof. Aman Kaur, and Prof. Susan Odom, along with University of Michigan collaborator Rahul Kant Jha, in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A! The perspective is entitled, “On the challenges of materials and electrochemical characterization of concentrated electrolytes for redox flow batteries” . Congratulations!!!
July 5, 2022
Charles and Fik publish a paper with TU/E collaborators Remy and Toni entitled, ” Microstructural engineering of high-power redox flow battery electrodes via non-solvent induced phase separation” in Cell Reports Physical Science. Congratulations!!!
April 13, 2022
Lauren, McLain, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. T. Alan Hatton entitled, “ Thermodynamic Modeling of CO2 Separation Systems with Soluble, Redox-Active Capture Species ” in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Congratulations!!!
March 21, 2022
Amira, Charles, and Fik publish a paper entitled “ Exploration of Reduced Graphene Oxide Microparticles as Electrocatalytic Materials in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries ” in the Journal of Energy Storage. Congratulations!!!
February 21, 2022
Kevin, Toni, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang entitled “ A Generalized Reduced Fluid Dynamic Model for Flow Fields and Electrodes in Redox Flow Batteries ” in the AIChE Journal. Congratulations!!!
February 11, 2022
The Brushett group welcomes its newest undergraduate student, Lia Bu! She is currently a freshman at MIT in the Chemical Engineering department. Welcome!!!
January 25, 2022
Kara and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Mike Perry entitled “ Untapped Potential: The Need and Opportunity for High-Voltage Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries ” in ACS Energy Letters! Congratulations!!!
January 11, 2022
The Brushett group is delighted to welcome its newest graduate students, Isabella Caruso and John Vergados!!
January 10, 2022
The Brushett group welcomes its newest undergraduate student, Sarah Hernandez! She is currently a freshman in the Chemical Engineering department at MIT and performing her first undergraduate research experience. Welcome!!!
January 4, 2022
AJ and Fik publish a paper entitled “ Using Voltammetry Augmented with Physics-based Modeling and Bayesian Hypothesis Testing to Identify Analytes in Electrolyte Solutions ” in the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry! Congratulations!!!
December 22, 2021
Charles, Katharine, Amira, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang and Robert Darling entitled “ Methods—A Potential–Dependent Thiele Modulus to Quantify the Effectiveness of Porous Electrocatalysts ” in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
December 9, 2021
Bert, Kevin, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang entitled “ Microelectrode-Based Sensor for Measuring Operando Active Species Concentrations in Redox Flow Cells ” in ACS Applied Energy Materials. Congratulations!!!
December 1, 2021
The Brushett group welcomes its newest graduate student from MIT’s Chemical Engineering department, Trent Weiss! Welcome!!!
November 22, 2021
The Brushett group is delighted to welcome its newest member, Madhu Majji! Welcome!!!
November 19, 2021
Katharine, Jude, Charles, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Dr. Nicolas Chanut and Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang entitled “ Limited Accessibility to Surface Area Generated by Thermal Pretreatment of Electrodes Reduces Its Impact on Redox Flow Battery Performance ” in ACS Applied Energy Materials. Congratulations!!!
November 15, 2021
Kevin, Katharine, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with researchers at Imperial College London and group alumni Toni at TU Eindhoven entitled “ Combining Electrochemical and Imaging Analyses to Understand the Effect of Electrode Microstructure and Electrolyte Properties on Redox Flow Batteries ” in Applied Energy. Congratulations!!!
November 8, 2021
Yasser, Nick, Chris, Bert, AJ, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Stevenson entitled “ Synthesis and Characterization of Lithium-Conducting Composite Polymer–Ceramic Membranes for Use in Nonaqueous Redox Flow Batteries ” in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulations!!!
November 2, 2021
Aditya Limaye, a graduate student in MIT’s Chemical Engineering department, has joined the group! Welcome!!!
October 29, 2021
Lauren and Katelyn presented their work at the MIT Energy Night 2021! Lauren presented a poster on her thermodynamic analysis of electrochemical carbon dioxide separation systems that use soluble, redox-active sorbents. Katelyn presented a poster on using experimental methods to evaluate redox-active capture molecules for carbon dioxide capture. Congratulations to both!!!
September 28, 2021
The Brushett Group is delighted to welcome its newest undergraduate students, Chloe Brown and Will Woltmann! They are both currently seniors in the Chemical Engineering department at MIT. Welcome!!!
August 31, 2021
Kevin and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Braatz and Prof. Chiang entitled “ Leveraging Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms to Refine Electrode Properties in Redox Flow Batteries ” in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
August 30, 2021
Kevin has left the group to start the next stage of his graduate studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management . During this time, Kevin will expound upon his research by integrating business-focused coursework into an additional component of his thesis. We wish him the best of luck as he joins the business school community here at MIT. Congratulations!!!
August 24, 2021
Dr. Katharine Greco has left the group to start her new career as a Fellow at the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA-E) . Fellows work to generate new ideas and identify potential breakthrough technologies to reduce energy use and energy-related emissions. We wish her the best of luck, and we know that she will make a great addition to her new team. Congratulations!!!
August 12, 2021
Kevin has successfully defended his thesis entitled “Combining Computation and Experimentation for Accelerated Understanding of Electrode Microstructure in Redox Flow Batteries”! Congratulations to Dr. Tenny!!!
August 12, 2021
Congratulations to our summer students, Akram and Jonathan, on the posters they presented about the work they accomplished this summer! We wish them all the best as they return to their home institutions!! Congratulations again!!
August 10, 2021
Welcome to the newest Brushett Group member: Lingping Kong!
August 9, 2021
Katharine successfully defended her thesis entitled “On the Impact of Electrode Properties and Their Design for Redox Flow Battery Performance”! Congratulations to Dr. Greco!!!
August 6, 2021
Bert and Fik publish a chapter entitled “ From the Synthesis Vial to the Full Cell: Electrochemical Methods for Characterizing Active Materials for Redox Flow Batteries ” in the Encyclopedia of Energy Storage. Congratulations!!!
July 14, 2021
Kara and Fik publish a paper entitled “ Assessing Capacity Loss Remediation Methods for Asymmetric Redox Flow Battery Chemistries Using Levelized Cost of Storage ” in the Journal of Power Sources. Congratulations!!!
June 24, 2021
AJ was awarded a MathWorks Fellowship and a Teaching Development Fellowship for the coming year. Congratulations!!!
June 16, 2021
The Brushett Group is delighted to welcome two undergraduate students, Akram Ismail and Jonathan Lee, to the lab! Akram is a rising senior at the University of Rochester and will be working with us for the summer through the MSRP program. Jonathan is a rising senior at the University of Michigan and will be working in our lab this summer through the MRL MRSEC program. Welcome!!!
June 7, 2021
McLain, Lauren, and Aba were all awarded degrees from MIT at the 2021 Commencement Ceremonies! McLain received his Ph.D., Lauren was awarded her M.S.CEP, and Aba received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering. Congratulations to everybody!!!
June 4, 2021
AJ, Kevin, Kara, Charles, Lauren, Sasha, and Bert all presented their work at the ECS 239th Meeting! Kevin won the Student Battery Slam Best Paper Award for his talk on “Combining Experimentation and Computation for Accelerated Understanding of Electrode Morphology in Redox Flow Batteries”. Charles won the ECS Energy Technology Division Graduate Student Award sponsored by Bio-Logic , delivering an award lecture on “Designer Porous Carbon Electrodes for Redox Flow Batteries.” This award is given to promising young engineers and scientists in fields pertaining to the Energy Technology Division. AJ won a Grid Energy Storage System trivia contest. Congratulations to all!!!
June 2, 2021
Katharine, Bert, John, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with the Odom research group entitled “ Comparison of Separators vs Membranes in Nonaqueous Redox Flow Battery Electrolytes Containing Small Molecule Active Materials ” in ACS Applied Energy Materials. Congratulations!!!
May 17, 2021
Kevin, Bert, Kara, Alex, and Katharine were all recognized at the Chemical Engineering Department Awards Ceremony! More specifically… Kevin:
- Recognized for presenting the best graduate student seminar during the Fall 2020 semester, voted on by the entire graduate student body.
- Recognized for presenting the best graduate student seminar during the Spring 2021 semester, voted on by the entire graduate student body.
- Received an individual citation for making himself available to help others despite how busy he is and his service to the Graduate Student Advisory Board.
- Received an honorable service mention for her contributions leading the RISE (Reject Injustice through Student Empowerment) campaign, which seeks to address issues of harassment, discrimination, and marginalization at MIT.
- Recognized for her contributions to Graduate Women in Chemical Engineering.
- Received an honorable service mention for helping run the Chemical Engineering Application Assistance Program (ChAMP), which aims to assist applicants from communities that have been historically underrepresented in higher education.
- Recognized for her contributions to Graduate Women in Chemical Engineering.
Congratulations to everybody!!!
May 5, 2021
Bert, AJ, and Fik publish a paper entitled “ Too Much of a Good Thing? Assessing Performance Tradeoffs of Two-Electron Compounds for Redox Flow Batteries ” in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
April 28, 2021
Mike, McLain, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Román-Leshkov entitled “ High-throughput Analysis of Contact Angle Goniometry Data Using DropPy ” in SoftwareX. Congratulations!!!
March 3, 2021
Charles, Toni, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang entitled “ Non-Solvent Induced Phase Separation Enables Designer Redox Flow Battery Electrodes ” in Advanced Materials. Congratulations!!!
March 2, 2021
Dr. McLain Leonard has left the group to begin his new career as an Electrochemical Engineer at PARC in Palo Alto, CA! We wish him the best of luck and know that he will be a strong asset to the company. Congratulations!!!
January 14, 2021
McLain successfully defended his thesis entitled “Engineering Gas Diffusion Electrodes for Electrochemical Carbon Dioxide Upgrading”! Congratulations to Dr. Leonard!!!
January 4, 2021
The Brushett Group is delighted to welcome its newest graduate students, Katelyn Ripley and Nick Matteucci! Welcome!!!
December 22, 2020
McLain’s article entitled “ Towards Using Macro-homogeneous Models to Study Electrode Wetting in CO2 Electrolyzers ” has been published in the Winter 2020 issue of The Electrochemical Society Interface. This work was funded by the 2020 Joseph W. Richards Summer Research Fellowship of The Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
December 18, 2020
Kevin, Toni, and Fik won one of the six 2020 MIT A+B Conference Best Paper Awards along with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang from their publication in the Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage. Congratulations!!!
December 8, 2020
Alex has passed his thesis area examination by successfully defending his thesis proposal. This served as his qualifying exam, now making him a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations!!!
December 8, 2020
Yasser has left the group to start his new career as an Energy Storage Scientist at XL Batteries. Congratulations to Yasser – we wish him all the best in this next chapter!
December 2, 2020
Kevin, Toni, and Fik, in collaboration with Prof. Chiang, published a paper, “ Fabrication of High Surface Area Ribbon Electrodes for Use in Redox Flow Batteries via Coaxial Electrospinning ” in the Journal of Energy Storage. Congratulations!!!
November 12, 2020
Sasha, Mike, Tom, Javit, and Fik publish a paper with Prof. Román-Leshkov entitled “ Understanding the Impact of Convective Transport on Intercalation Batteries Through Dimensional Analysis ” in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
November 6, 2020
Fik was selected as the 2020 recipient of the NOBCChE Lloyd N. Ferguson Young Scientist Award . This award is granted to a young scientist who has demonstrated technical excellence, while also showing a dedication to research and the community. Congratulations!!!
November 5, 2020
The Brushett Group welcomes its newest graduate student, Chris Mallia! Welcome!!
October 14, 2020
Feff, AJ, Bert, and Fik publish a paper entitled “ A Method for Evaluating Soluble Redox Couple Stability Using Microelectrode Voltammetry ” in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
July 28, 2020
McLain, Mike, Nick, Toni, and Fik publish an Editors’ Choice paper in collaboration with Prof. Román-Leshkov entitled “ Flooded by Success: On the Role of Electrode Wettability in CO2 Electrolyzers that Generate Liquid Products ” in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Congratulations!!!
July 26, 2020
Charles, Yasser, Katharine, Toni, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang and Prof. Karen Gleason’s group entitled “ Ultrathin Conformal oCVD PEDOT Coatings on Carbon Electrodes Enable Improved Performance of Redox Flow Batteries ” in Advanced Materials Interfaces. Congratulations!!!
July 15, 2020
Kevin, Toni, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Chiang entitled “ Data-Driven Electrode Parameter Identification for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries Through Experimental and Numerical Methods ” in Applied Energy. Congratulations!!!
July 12, 2020
Kevin and Fik publish a review in collaboration with Prof. Chiang entitled “ Modelling of redox flow battery electrode processes at a range of length scales: a review ” in Sustainable Energy & Fuels. Congratulations!!!
June 9, 2020
Fik has published a perspective entitled “ Energy storage emerging: A perspective from the Joint Center for Energy Storage Research ” with collaborators from the same organization in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Congratulations!!!
May 22, 2020
Katharine has been awarded the 2020-2021 ExxonMobil-MIT Energy Fellowship ! Congratulations!!!
May 15, 2020
Dr. Mike Orella left the group to begin the next chapter of his career as an Associate at Exponent , where he will be a part of their Thermal Sciences group. We wish him good luck, and we know he will be a strong asset to their team. Congratulations!!!
May 8, 2020
Fik is happy to announce that he has been awarded tenure at MIT! Many thanks to all students, collaborators, and colleagues, past and present! He looks forward to many more years of teaching and research in the department! Congratulations!!
May 7, 2020
Lauren has successfully passed her thesis area examination by defending her thesis proposal! This served as her qualifying exam, making her a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations!!!
April 28, 2020
Charles, Toni, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang and Prof. Markus Beuhler’s group entitled ” Exploration of Biomass-derived Activated Carbons for Use in Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries ” in ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. Congratulations!!!
March 27, 2020
Mike successfully defended his thesis entitled “Models Across Multiple Length Scales to Advance Biomass Upgrading”! Congratulations to Dr. Orella!!!
March 15, 2020
Kara, Tom, Yasser, John, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Robert Darling from the United Technology Research Center entitled ” Assessing the levelized cost of vanadium redox flow batteries with capacity fade and rebalancing ” in the Journal of Power Sources. Congratulations!!
March 12, 2020
Kevin, Toni, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with Prof. Yet-Ming Chiang entitled “Comparing Physical and Electrochemical Properties of Different Weave Patterns for Carbon Cloth Electrodes in Redox Flow Batteries” in the Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage for the “2020 Emerging Investigators” special issue. Congratulations!!
February 20, 2020
Fik and Kara publish a viewpoint paper in collaboration with Prof. Michael J. Aziz from Harvard University entitled ” On Lifetime and Cost of Redox-Active Organics for Aqueous Flow Batteries ” in ACS Energy Letters. Congratulations!!!
January 27, 2020
The Brushett Group is delighted to welcome three MIT undergraduate students, Destinee Hung, Hong Nguyen, and Nicole Jacobsen, to the lab! Welcome!!!
January 5, 2020
The Brushett Group goes skiing in Maine to promote positive lab culture and camaraderie! The group skied at Sunday River Ski Resort in Newry, ME and had a great time together!
December 27, 2019
Feff, Tom, and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with researchers from Argonne National Laboratory entitled ” An investigation on the impact of halidization on substituted dimethoxybenzenes ” in Electrochimica Acta. Congratulations!!!
December 9, 2019
Feff, Bert, and Fik publish a paper currently in press entitled ” The impact of bulk electrolysis cycling conditions on the perceived stability of redox active materials ” in Electrochemistry Communications. Congratulations!!!
December 4, 2019
Fesse gave an invited presentation at the 2019 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting and Exhibit in Boston, MA! His talk featured the work he conducted as an undergraduate on a new permanganate-polysulfide redox flow battery. Congratulations!!!
December 2, 2019
Mike, Steven, McLain and Fik publish a paper with Prof. Román-Leshkov entitled ” A General Techno‐Economic Model for Evaluating Emerging Electrolytic Processes ” in Energy Technology. Congratulations!!
December 2, 2019
The Brushett Group is delighted to welcome its newest graduate student, Alex Quinn! Welcome!!
November 22, 2019
Sasha has passed her thesis area examination, in which she successfully defended her thesis proposal. This served as her qualifying exam, making Sasha now a Ph.D. candidate! Congratulations!!!
November 20, 2019
Toni and Fik publish a review article entitled “Engineering porous electrodes for next-generation redox flow batteries: recent progress and opportunities” in Current Opinion in Electrochemistry. Congratulations!!!
November 18, 2019
Toni and Fik publish a paper with collaborators from the University of Surrey and Imperial College London entitled “Understanding the role of the porous electrode microstructure in redox flow battery performance using an experimentally validated 3D pore-scale lattice Boltzmann model” in Journal of Power Sources. In addition, special thanks is given to Kevin, who also contributed to this publication. Congratulations!!
November 17, 2019
McLain, Lauren, Toni, Steven, and Fik publish a paper entitled “Investigating Electrode Flooding in a Flowing Electrolyte, Gas‐Fed Carbon Dioxide Electrolyzer” in ChemSusChem. Congratulations!!!
November 11, 2019
Mike, James, and Jesse present their work at the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting!! Mike presented his general technoeconomic analysis for electrochemically upgrading systems. James presented a poster investigating the effects of electrode compression on flow battery performance, and Jesse presented a poster on the use of microelectrodes to characterize rapidly decaying redox active species. James and Jesse also received awards for their posters, with James winning 3rd Place, Division III, Fuels, Petrochemicals, and Energy, and Jesse winning 2nd Place in the same division! Congratulations to all!!
November 7, 2019
Fane, Nick, and Jesse present posters on their work at the MIT Energy Initiative Annual Research Conference!! Jane presented their work on the effects of heat treatment on flow battery electrodes by investigating the wettability surface area and oxygen content using model chemistries. Meanwhile, Nick presented work on the wettability of various liquid-phase compounds resulting from carbon dioxide reduction on electrode materials via contact angle measurements, and Jesse presented his research on less expensive flow battery active materials. Congratulations to everybody!!!
November 4, 2019
Bert has passed his thesis area examination, in which he successfully defended his thesis proposal. Since this serves as his qualifying exam, Bert is now a Ph.D. candidate! Congratulations!!!
October 17, 2019
Mike, Toni, McLain, Katharine, and AJ all presented their work at the 236th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society!! Mike presented his technoeconomic analysis for the electrochemical synthesis of organic compounds. Toni presented his work on electrode microstructure design and the use of neutron radiography to quantify the concentration profile of species in a flow battery. McLain presented his work on the wetting of carbon electrodes for applications in carbon dioxide reduction, while Katharine presented her study on the effects of multiple properties on the performance of porous carbon electrodes. AJ presented his work on combining inference and voltammetry to elucidate information otherwise difficult to ascertain. Congratulations to everybody!!!
October 8, 2019
The Brushett Group welcomes our newest group member, Nicole Munne, a MIT undergraduate. Welcome!!!
October 4, 2019
Katharine and AJ are both awarded the Dow Travel Award for Professional Development ! These travel awards are sponsored by the Dow Chemical Company to support the travel of MIT chemical engineering graduate students to conferences or workshops. Congratulations to both!!!
September 24, 2019
Mike and Fik publish a paper in collaboration with the Román Group entitled ” Lignin-KMC: A Toolkit for Simulating Lignin Biosynthesis ” in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Congratulations!!
September 13, 2019
The Brushett Group is delighted to welcome our newest group member, Aba Kpeglo, a MIT undergraduate. Welcome!!!
September 10, 2019
The Brushett Group welcomes our newest group member, Amira Alazmi, who is a visiting postdoctoral scholar funded with an Ibn Khaldun Fellowship. Welcome!!!
August 21, 2019
Matteo, Jeff, Bert, and Fik publish a paper in Electrochemistry Communications entitled ” Investigating the factors that influence resistance rise of PIM-1 membranes in nonaqueous electrolytes “. Congratulations to all!!
August 8, 2019
Congratulations to our summer students, James and Nathan, on the posters they presented about the work they accomplished this summer! We wish them all the best as they return to their home institutions!! Congratulations again!!
July 24, 2019
Sujat, Steven, McLain, and Fik publish a manuscript in the Journal of Applied Electrochemistry entitled ” Electroreduction of carbon dioxide to formate at high current densities using tin and tin oxide gas diffusion electrodes “. Congratulations to all!!!
July 18, 2019
AJ presented his poster at the 2nd Annual Boston Academic Researchers symposium ! His poster was entitled “Predicting Unknown Electron Transfer Mechanisms for Applications in Electrochemical Systems”. Congratulations!!!
July 5, 2019
Mike and Fik publish a manuscript with members of the Román Group entitled “Computational evidence for kinetically controlled radical coupling during lignification” in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Congratulations!!!
June 26, 2019
Toni, Emily, Alexandra, and Fik publish a manuscript entitled “Exploring the Role of Electrode Microstructure on the Performance of Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries” in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Congratulations to all!!!
June 25, 2019
The Brushett Group welcomes Prof. Pablo A. García-Salaberri! Prof. García-Salaberri is an assistant professor in fluid dynamics from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and he is visiting to discuss his work in fluid flow modeling for fuel cells and redox flow batteries. Welcome!!!
June 24, 2019
The Brushett Group is delighted to welcome James, Nathan, Will, Nick, and Anne to our group for the summer! James is an intern in the MIT Summer Research Program, while Nathan is participating in the Materials Research Laboratory NSF-MRSEC program! Will and Nick are both MIT undergraduate students, and Anne is a visiting Master’s student from the Technical University of Munich. Welcome to all!!!
June 7, 2019
Feff, Steve, Charles, Kara, Kevin, Jesse, and Katie were all awarded degrees from MIT at the 2019 Commencement Ceremonies! Jeff and Steve received their Ph.D.’s, while Charles, Kara, and Kevin were awarded their M.S.CEP’s. Jesse received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering, and Katie received her B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering. Congratulations to everybody!!!
June 6, 2019
Fohn, Jeff, and Fik publish a manuscript with collaborators from the University of California, Los Angeles, entitled ” Perfunctionalized Dodecaborate Clusters as Stable Metal-Free Active Materials for Charge Storage ” in ACS Applied Energy Materials! Congratulations!!!
May 30, 2019
McLain, Charles, and Fik all presented their work at the Spring 2019 ECS Meeting in Dallas, TX! Fik gave an address for the Energy Technology Division Supramaniam Srinivasan Young Investigator Award he received, presenting work on deterministic electrode design for elucidating the role of surface chemistry and microstructure on flow battery performance. McLain presented new work on tracking gas diffusion electrode flooding in carbon dioxide electrolyzers via electrochemical double layer capacitance, while Charles presented work on kinetically enhanced all-vanadium redox flow batteries with biomass-derived electrocatalysts. For his presentation, Charles received an honorable mention award for the Battery Student Slam symposium. Congratulations to all!!!
May 28, 2019
Kevin was offered the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program award! This fellowship supports outstanding students who are pursuing research-based graduate degrees. Congratulations Kevin!!!
May 26, 2019
Cedrik, Tom, and Fik publish a manuscript with collaborators from Chalmers University of Technology and Gothenburg University entitled “Dimerization of 9,10-anthraquinone-2,7-Disulfonic acid (AQDS)” in Electrochimica Acta! Congratulations!!!
May 23, 2019
Katharine presented her research on the impact of heat treatment on flow battery electrodes and its implications on next-generation electrode design at the Applied Energy “A+B” symposium , a conference dedicated to (A) the accelerated deployment of existing renewable energy technologies and (B) the development of novel technologies to improve an already existing renewable energy infrastructure. Katharine also won an award for submitting the most creative abstract to the conference, which can be viewed here . Congratulations, Katharine!!!
May 13, 2019
Kara, Jesse, McLain, Katharine, and Bert were all recognized at the Chemical Engineering Department Awards Ceremony! More specifically: Kara was
- Individually recognized for promoting inclusivity within the department.
- Recognized for co-founding Graduate Women in Chemical Engineering, a group intended to support women graduate students in their personal and professional lives.
- Recognized for her service to the Graduate Student Advisory Board, a committee comprised of graduate students that advises the Chemical Engineering faculty on matters relating to graduate student life in the department.
- Received the department-wide nomination for the Henry Ford II Award, an institute-wide award recognizing an undergraduate senior who demonstrates exceptional potential for leadership in the profession of engineering and in society.
McLain was
- Recognized for his service to the Graduate Student Advisory Board.
Katharine was
- Recognized for presenting the best graduate student seminar during the Spring 2019 semester, voted on by the entire graduate student body.
- Recognized for her service to Graduate Women in Chemical Engineering.
Bert was
- Recognized for his service to the Graduate Student Advisory Board.
Congratulations to everybody!!!
May 7, 2019
Jeff, Katharine, Jarrod, and Fik publish a manuscript in collaboration with the Odom Group from the University of Kentucky entitled “Tailoring Two-Electron-Donating Phenothiazines To Enable High-Concentration Redox Electrolytes for Use in Nonaqueous Redox Flow Batteries” in Chemistry of Materials! Congratulations!!!
April 16, 2019
Mike and Fik presented their work at the ACS 2019 Spring National Meeting and Expo! Mike presented his new work on the LIGNIN-KMC toolkit for predictively generating lignin structures, while Fik presented on the economics of electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction and the use of microelectrodes for redox flow battery active material decay characterization. Congratulations to both!!
March 8, 2019
Dr. Jeff Kowalski left the group to begin the next chapter of his career as a Senior Battery Scientist at Titan AES! We wish him good luck, and we know he will be an asset to their team. Congratulations!!!
February 25, 2019
Fik, together with Professors Elsa Olivetti and Yogi Surendranath, gave a podcast for the MIT Energy Initiative entitled ” Game-changing materials “. Congratulations!!!
February 22, 2019
Fohn and Fik publish a manuscript entitled “A One-Dimensional Stack Model for Redox Flow Battery Analysis and Operation” in the scientific journal Batteries! Congratulations!!!
February 8, 2019
Fik gave an invited talk at the Meeting of the New England Section of The Electrochemical Society! The talk was entitled “Towards Deterministic Electrode Design: Elucidating the Role of Surface Chemistry and Microstructure on Redox Flow Battery Performance”, and it was given at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. Congratulations!!!
January 30, 2019
Feff successfully defended his thesis entitled “Evaluation of Redox Active Organic Molecules for Use in Nonaqueous Flow Batteries”! Congratulations to Dr. Kowalski!!!
January 15, 2019
Fik gave an invited talk entitled “Redox Flow Batteries for Grid Energy Storage: Evaluating the role of porous electrode microstructure on cell performance” at the Tel Aviv University International 2019 Winter School on Nanomaterials for Energy Storage and Conversion in Tel Aviv, Israel! Congratulations!!
January 8, 2019
Fik gave an invited talk entitled “Towards deterministic electrode design: Elucidating the role of surface chemistry and microstructure on flow battery performance” at the International Coalition for Energy Storage and Innovation and Pacific Power Source Symposium (ICESI-PPSS) Joint Meeting in Kona, Hawaii! Congratulations!!
January 4, 2019
Dr. John Barton left the group to begin the next chapter of his career as a Senior Engineer at Dow Chemical! We wish him good luck, and we know he will be an asset to the company. Congratulations!!!
January 4, 2019
Fohn successfully defended his thesis entitled “Analysis of Electrochemical and Transport Properties in Redox Flow Batteries”! Congratulations to Dr. Barton!!!
January 4, 2019
Members of the group attended the 2018 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit. Fik delivered a talk on the role of electrode surface chemistry and microstructure on flow battery performance. Charles gave a presentation on the exploration of biomass-derived electrode precursors for vanadium redox flow batteries. Katie presented her poster on engineering microstructure to improve the wettability of thick, porous electrodes for energy storage. Jesse presented his poster on the exploration of organic redox couples for use in thermogalvanic devices. Congratulations to all!!!
January 2, 2019
Tom and Fik published a manuscript in collaboration with researchers from Montana State University entitled “How a cofactor-free protein environment lowers the barrier to O2 reactivity” in the Journal of Biological Chemistry! Congratulations!!!
December 21, 2018
The Brushett Group welcomes four new members: Bertrand Neyhouse, Sasha Gao, Lauren Clark, and Yasser Ashraf Gandomi! Welcome!!!
December 21, 2018
Dr. Steven Brown left the group to begin the next chapter of his career as a Development Specialist at Linde plc! We wish him good luck, and we know he will be an asset to the company. Congratulations!!!
December 19, 2018
Steven successfully defended his thesis entitled “Catalysis and Reactor Engineering for the Electrochemical Conversion of CO2 to CO”! Congratulations Dr. Brown!!!
December 10, 2018
AJ, Charles, Kara, and Kevin all passed the Thesis Area Examination and are now Ph.D. Candidates! Congratulations!!!
November 15, 2018
Fik delivered an invited talk entitled “Advancing Grid-Connected Electrochemical Energy Storage Through Cost-Constrained Design” at the Industrial Liaison Program Research and Development Conference at MIT! He also received news coverage for this talk! Congratulations!!
November 7, 2018
Fesse won both 1st place in both the Fuels, Energy, and Petrochemicals Division I, and the Harry West Student Poster Award for his poster at AIChE! Some of his work was highlighted in a recent MIT news profile as well. Congratulations!!!
November 7, 2018
Members of the group attended the 2018 AIChE Annual Conference. Jeff presented on his collaborative work with the Odom group on phenothiazine-based electrolytes in nonaqueous flow battery systems. John presented on his stack model for flow battery systems analysis. Toni gave presentations discussing the impact of electrode microstructure on nonaqueous flow battery performance, the impact of thermal pretreatments on vanadium flow battery performance, and advanced water management for polymer electrolyte fuel cells. Mike presented on the economic feasibility of valorizing lignocellulosic biomass through electrochemical hydrogenation. Fik presented on design criteria for cost-effective flow batteries. Jesse presented a poster on his alkaline permanganate-polysulfide flow battery work.
November 7, 2018
Jesse was recognized as an NC State Future Leader of Chemical Engineering based on his past work on polysulfide and polyiodide chemistries for flow batteries. Congratulations!!!
October 17, 2018
Katharine and Toni publish their manuscript entitled ” Elucidating the Nuanced Effects of Thermal Pretreatment on Carbon Paper Electrodes for Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries ” in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces! Congratulations!!!
October 16, 2018
Fikile delivered a talk at the 3rd Annual Skoltech MIT Conference on Collaborative Solutions for Next Generation Education, Science, and Technology in Moscow Russia. Entitled “Towards Lithium Redox Flow Batteries for High Power and High Energy Density Energy Storage”, the talk summarized on ongoing collaborations with Professor Keith Stevenson’s group at Skoltech.
October 11, 2018
Fikile gives a lecture in the National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium on Decarbonizing our Energy Landscape in Irvine, CA . The talk was entitled “Connecting system targets with materials properties: Cost-targeted Design of Redox Flow Batteries for Grid Storage”.
October 8, 2018
Steven, Katharine, Jeff, and Javit presented at the America’s International Meeting on Electrochemistry and Solid State Science in Cancun, Mexico! Steven presented on kinetics for CO2 reduction, Katharine presented on the impact of heat treatment on flow battery electrodes, and Jeff presented on using a microelectrode to monitor active species’ decay! Javit’s presentation discussed the implications of aqueous electrolyte selection on flow battery cost! Jeff came in 3rd place in the student poster competition for his poster on molecular modification of phenothiazines!
September 25, 2018
Fikile gave a talk at MIT Technology Review Emerging Technologies Middle East North Africa (EmTech MENA) in Dubai, UAE in the Transformation of Energy theme. The talk was entitled “Connecting the system to the materials: Application-informed approaches to basic energy science”. Congratulations!!!
September 25, 2018
Our collaborative work ” Interactions between Lithium Growths and Nanoporous Ceramic Separators ” has been published in Joule! Congratulations!!!
September 19, 2018
Fikile gave a talk entitled “ The Role of Electrochemical Engineering in Addressing Global Energy Challenges ” at the annual meeting of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) in Orlando, FL! Congratulations!!!
September 12, 2018
The JCESR chapter, discussing a new paradigm of research, development, and demonstration has been published in Electrochemical Engineering: From Discovery to Product , edited by Alkire, Bartlett, and Koper! Congratulations!!!
September 7, 2018
Fikile gave a talk entitled “Materials design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries” at Orcas 2018: International Conference on Energy Conversion & Storage hosted by the Clean Energy Institute at the University of Washington! Congratulations!!!
September 1, 2018
Dr. Thomas Carney left the group to begin the next chapter of his career as he joins the research and development team at CAMX Power . We wish him good luck, and we know he will be an asset to their team. Congratulations!!!
September 1, 2018
JCESR Scientific and Operational Leadership Team received the Secretary of Energy’s Achievement Award . The award citation reads: “The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research Strategic and Operations (JCESR) team led by Argonne National Laboratory has literally and figuratively changed the formula for developing next-generation batteries. Experiments with new battery materials at the bench have resulted in the discovery of revolutionary new materials for beyond-lithium-ion prototypes. The JCESR Operations Model, meanwhile, has integrated and amplified the effectiveness of 20 otherwise independent interdisciplinary scientific organizations as a single coordinated unit. The Operations Model established a structure around meetings, research sprints, reporting, communications, outreach, safety, finance, and intellectual property. In so doing, it has enabled more than 200 researchers to magnify their efforts and achievements in discovery science, materials design, battery design, research prototyping, and manufacturing collaboration.” Congratulations!!!
August 24, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited talk entitled “Understanding the role of electrode microstructure and thermal pretreatment on redox flow battery performance” at the American Chemical Society annual meeting in Boston as part of the “Battery Technology: Vehicle to Grid” session.
August 24, 2018
The Brushett group hosted Prof. Javier Garcia-Martinez from the University of Alicante. He gave a seminar on the “Discovery and Commercialization of a New Family of Catalysts.” Congratulations!!!
August 23, 2018
Mike wins 3rd place paper in the I&EC Division Graduate Symposium at the ACS Fall National Meeting. Congratulations!!!
August 21, 2018
Justin and Julianna presented the results from their summer-long research internships at the joint MRL-MRSEC Poster Session. Each project focused on different performance-driving aspects of redox flow battery electrodes. Congratulations!!!
August 3, 2018
The Brushett group hosted Prof. Thomas J. Schmidt from the Paul Scherrer Institute as he gave a department seminar entitled, “Noble Metal Aerogels as Highly Durable Catalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Applications”.
July 26, 2018
The Brushett group hosted members of the Secanell group from the University of Alberta, and they gave a focused seminar sharing some of their ongoing work in the areas of PEM fuel cells and redox flow batteries.
July 26, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited talk entitled “Towards deterministic electrode design: Exploring the role of surface chemistry and microstructure on flow battery performance” at the Telluride Science Research Center Workshop on Interfacial Chemistry and Charge Transfer for Energy Storage and Conversion.
July 24, 2018
John’s manuscript quantifying the impact of viscosity on mass-transfer coefficients in redox flow batteries was accepted by the Journal of Power Sources! Congratulations!!!
July 21, 2018
Tom Carney gave his Ph.D. defense, and his presentation focusing on aspects of convection-enhanced energy storage. Congratulations Dr. Carney!!!
July 11, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited seminar at The Chemours Company in Wilmington, DE. The talk was entitled “Developing materials design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries.” Congratulations!!!
July 5, 2018
Prof. Brushett has been selected by the Provost’s Office to receive the Green Career Development Chair, a competitive institute-wide professorship which is presented to recognize and encourage excellence in teaching. Congratulations!!!
June 26, 2018
Steve and John each received a Dow Travel Award for Professional Development for their upcoming trips to AiMES 2018 and AIChE 2018, respectively. These awards enable graduate students within our department to develop professionally by funding their trips to conferences. Congratulations to both!!
June 13, 2018
On June 6th 2018, the Brushett group hosted the 1st New England-International Redox Flow Battery Conference at MIT. This event was organized in the frame of a MISTI collaboration between MIT and the Nigel group from Imperial College London. This workshop included participants (more than 60!) from industry and academia.
June 13, 2018
Jessie and Emily both earned a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from MIT! Katharine and AJ earned their M.S.CEP’s! Congratulations to all!!!
June 12, 2018
Vincent published a paper in Translational Materials Research that focuses on cost estimation for organic flow battery active materials! Congratulations!!!
June 4, 2018
Welcome to Matthias, Grace, and Matteo, who will be working with the Brushett Group for the summer!!
June 3, 2018
Mike published a paper in Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering that focuses on emerging opportunities in electrochemical processing to enable sustainable chemical manufacturing! Congratulations!!!
June 1, 2018
The entire Brushett Group had a celebratory dinner in honor of Sujat! Sujat will be an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse in the fall. Congratulations!!
May 31, 2018
The entire Brushett Group had a celebratory brunch in honor of Jessie and Emily graduating from MIT! Jessie will be attending graduate school at the University of Delaware, and Emily will be attending graduate school at Stanford. Congratulations!!
May 24, 2018
“Quantifying Mass Transfer Rates in Redox Flow Batteries” was one of the most downloaded electrochemical engineering papers in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society during the first quarter of 2018 ! Congratulations!!!
May 18, 2018
Jeff Kowalski and Toni Forner Cuenca presented at the 233rd Electrochemical Society Meeting in Seattle! Jeff presented on the multiproperty functionalization of phenothiazine derivatives. Toni presented impact of electrode microstructure on flow battery performance and the influence of electron energy on the spatial resolution for patterned diffusion layers for fuel cells.
May 11, 2018
Jesse J. Hinricher was awarded a Peter J. Eloranta Summer Research Fellowship for his proposed work on thermogalvanics! Congratulations!!!
May 7, 2018
Kevin Tenny was admitted to the 2018 University of Illinois at Chicago’s Next Generation Electrochemistry program! Congratulations!!!
April 26, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited seminar at Honeywell UOP in Des Plaines, IL! The talk was entitled “Developing materials design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries”.
April 19, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited seminar to the Department of Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology! The talk was entitled “Materials design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries”.
April 17, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited seminar to the Chemical Sciences & Engineering Division at Argonne National Laboratory! The talk was entitled “Towards materials design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries”.
April 13, 2018
Tom Carney presented his patent pending energy storage technology at the Deshpande Center Ideastream, a gathering of innovators and entrepreneurs across industry and academia! A video of his presentation can be found here .
April 13, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave a department seminar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! The talk was entitled “Materials design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries”.
March 28, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited seminar at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado! The talk was entitled “Developing materials design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries”.
March 21, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave a plenary talk at the Réseau sur le Stockage Electrochimique de l’Energie Meeting in Paris, France! The talk was entitled “Connecting system targets with materials properties: Application-informed fundamental science of redox flow batteries”.
March 5, 2018
In recognition of his teaching and research accomplishments, Prof. Brushett has been promoted to Associate Professor without tenure, effective July 1! Congratulations!!
March 3, 2018
Prof. Brushett was on an invited panel at the MIT Energy Conference in Cambridge, MA. The panel was entitled “The Future of Energy Storage: Technologies, Applications, and Hurdles”.
February 28, 2018
Kara and John presented work on vanadium redox flow batteries for arbitrage. Their work with Katharine and in collaboration with Dr. Audun Botterud provides valuable insight into application-determined cycling performance for RFBs.
February 21, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave a Course X Undergraduate Seminar in the MIT Chemical Engineering Department. The title of the talk was “The Role of “Electro” – Chemical Engineering in Addressing Global Energy Challenges”.
February 17, 2018
Prof. Brushett was on an invited panel at the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) Conference in Cambridge, MA. The panel was entitled “Energy and Efficiency: Clean Technological Sustainability”.
January 17, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited talk at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the International Coalition for Energy Storage and Innovation (ICESI) in Dalian, China. The talk was entitled “Exploring the role of electrode microstructure and thermal treatment on redox flow battery performance”.
January 7, 2018
Prof. Brushett gave an invited talk at the Gordon Research Conference (GRC) Electrochemistry in Ventura, CA entitled “An engineer’s approach to materials development for flow batteries… with a chemist’s help!”.
January 3, 2018
Sujat and McLain published their work , which focuses pulse plating of copper for the the electroreduction of carbon dioxide, in MRS Advances! Congratulations!!!
January 3, 2018
Jarrod published his work , which focuses on the impact of supporting electrolyte on RFB system cost, in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society! Congratulations!!!
December 14, 2017
Charles Wan, Kevin Tenny, and Kara Rodby have joined the Brushett Group! Congratulations!!!
December 07, 2017
Members of the Brushett group attend the MIT-ICL workshop on flow batteries at Imperial College London. Jeff presented on testing protocols for new redox active molecules and Toni presented on the role of electrode microstructure and surface properties on the performance of redox flow batteries.
December 01, 2017
Toni placed 3rd in the 2017 MRS Science in Video (SciVid) competition. His entry, which can be viewed here , illustrates the advantages of patterned wettability for applications to gas diffusion layers in fuel cells! Congratulations!!!
November 29, 2017
Sujat , Toni , Emily , and Prof. Odom presented their research at MRS Fall 2017 in Boston! Congratulations!!!
November 22, 2017
Prof. Brushett served as an invited panelist at the MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum (MIT-CHIEF) Annual Conference. The panel, moderated by Prof. Ju Li, focused on Energy and New Materials. Congratulations!!!
November 22, 2017
Having been named a Scialog Fellow this past spring, Prof. Brushett attended the first annual Scialog conference on Advanced Energy Storage in Tucson, Arizona. Visiting Professor Susan Odom was also in attendance. Congratulations!!!
November 20, 2017
Toni gave an invited presentation to the Sustainable Electrochemical Energy Lab at Tufts University entitled “Advanced water management in fuel cells – engineered local hydrophilicity in porous materials”. Congratulations!!!
November 17, 2017
Katharine passed her thesis proposal, and is now a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations!!!
November 6, 2017
Jeff, Jarrod, and Susan publish on a two electron donating organic molecule for flow batteries in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Congratulations!!!
November 2, 2017
Members of the Brushett Group placed in the 2017 AIChE Student Poster Competition ! Jessie Hsiao placed 2nd in Catalysis and Reaction Engineering III! Jesse Hinricher and Alex Oliveira placed 2nd and 3rd in Fuels, Petrochemicals, and Energy III, respectively! Jesse and Alex additionally placed 2nd and 3rd for the Harry West Student Poster Award, respectively! Congratulations!!!
November 2, 2017
Members of the Brushett Group attended the 2017 AIChE Conference in Minneapolis, MN! Jeff , Toni , Jessie , Jesse , and Alex presented their work! Congratulations!!!
October 22, 2017
Prof. Brushett gave an invited presentation to the Department of Chemistry at Dalhousie University entitled “Connecting system targets with material properties: Application-informed fundamental science of redox flow batteries” .
October 12, 2017
Jesse Hinricher and Jessie Hsiao were awarded sponsorship from the Chemical Engineering Department to attend the 2017 AIChE Conference in Minneapolis, MN! They will each present their work in the Undergraduate Student Poster Competition!
October 11, 2017
Professor Brushett’s collaborative work with the Chiang group was published in Joule ! Their work, which focuses on air-breathing sulfur, is featured as a backstory in Joule and in MIT News !
October 11, 2017
Professor Brushett gave an invited talk on “Connecting system targets with material properties: Application-informed fundamental science of redox flow batteries” at the 2nd International Conference of Young Scientists , focusing on “Topical Problems of Modern Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Materials Science”, in Moscow, Russia. The conference was hosted by Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and Lomonosov Moscow State University.
October 11, 2017
Emily publishes a paper in Langmuir demonstrating the anodic instability of glassy carbon electrodes and the importance for analytical electrochemical techniques!
October 6, 2017
Professor Brushett is recognized among the 2017 Class of Influential Researchers by Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research!
October 5, 2017
The Brushett Group attended the 232nd Fall ECS Meeting in National Harbor, MD. Jeff , John , Tom , Toni , Javit , Liang , Steve , Susan , and Mike presented their work!
September 6, 2017
The recently published paper “Toward an inexpensive aqueous polysulfide-polyiodide redox flow battery” along with the corresponding TOC graphic, has been selected as a highlight on the cover of the most recent issue of Industrial & Engineering Chemical Research. The issue can be viewed here !
August 23, 2017
Prof. Brushett is described as the ” Baron of batteries ” in C&EN’s Talented Twelve! Congratulations!!!
August 23, 2017
The “Brushett Aqueous Sulfur” team published their research article “Toward an Inexpensive Aqueous Polysulfide−Polyiodide Redox Flow Battery” in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research.
August 22, 2017
Jarrod publishes a paper in J. Electrochem. Soc. focused on pathways toward low area-specific resistance in nonaqueous redox flow batteries.
August 3, 2017
The ETH Zurich awards the ETH Medal to Toni for his Ph.D. thesis work, titled “Novel gas diffusion layers with patterned wettability for advanced water management strategies in polymer electrolyte fuel cells.” Congratulations!
July 31, 2017
Alexandra Oliveira’s work during her summer MPC-CMSE internship is highlighted in the MPC newsletter. Congratulations!
July 14, 2017
John co-authors a manuscript in collaboration with the Porous Materials Engineering and Analysis Lab at the University of Waterloo. The paper, which focuses on fabrication of porous electrodes, is published in J. Electrochem. Soc. as an open access article.
June 29, 2017
Prof. Brushett gives a talk at the International Flow Battery Forum in Manchester, UK! The talk was entitled “Probing Pore-Scale Mass Transfer in Redox Flow Batteries”.
June 26, 2017
Prof. Brushett gives a plenary talk at the launch meeting of the UK RFB Network in Manchester, UK! The talk was entitled “Redox Flow Batteries: Exploring an Emerging Design Space”.
June 19, 2017
Prof. Brushett gives an invited talk at the 21st International Conference on Solid State Ionics in Padua, Italy! The talk was entitled “Towards Low Resistance Nonaqueous Flow Batteries”.
June 9, 2017
Andres completes his degree in Chemical Engineering and receives his diploma at MIT’s commencement ceremony. He will continue his career at MIT as a graduate student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Congratulations!
June 8, 2017
Jarrod presents a webinar for JCESR titled ” Cost-Driven Materials Selection Criteria for Redox Flow Battery Electrolytes “! Click here to view the webinar.
June 8, 2017
Jarrod receives his doctoral hood from the Department of Materials Science. Congratulations!
June 1, 2017
Sujat and Toni present their work in the 231st Electrochemical Society Meeting in New Orleans! Sujat presented on a method for catalyst deposition for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction. Toni presented on the diffusion layers with patterned wettability for fuel cells.
May 31, 2017
Toni receives the Energy Technology Graduate Student Award given by the Electrochemical Society at the 231st Meeting (New Orleans) for his work on novel porous materials for fuel cells. Congratulations!
May 31, 2017
Jarrod and Kevin author a manuscript in the Journal of the Electrochemical Society , which quantifies mass transfer coefficients for redox flow batteries through the use of a 1-D porous electrode model. Congratulations!
May 29, 2017
Liang and John publish a paper in Electrochimica Acta with the collaboration of Argonne National Laboratory. This paper, also known as “Combi Chem (II)”, investigates high-throughput electrolytes for non-aqueous redox flow batteries. Congratulations!
May 23, 2017
The entire Brushett Group has a celebratory dinner in honor of Jarrod successfully defending his thesis. Congratulations again, Dr. Milshtein!
May 23, 2017
Prof. Brushett and Jarrod publish a Very Important Paper in Angewandte Chemie regarding selective ORR catalysts for membrane-free fuel cells. This work was performed in collaboration with the Surendranath Group in the Chemistry Department at MIT, and it is highlighted on the inside cover of the journal. Congratulations!
May 23, 2017
Tom and Prof. Brushett publish a paper on the dimerization of anthraquinone disulfonic acid and its impact on charge storage in Chemistry of Materials . Congratulations!
May 19, 2017
Prof. Brushett received the Innovative Seminar Award for Freshman Advising from the Undergraduate Advising and Academic Programming office. Along with Profs. Barry Johnston, Kristala Prather, Chris Love, and Brad Olsen, Prof. Brushett helped run the MIT Freshman Advising seminar called “All my Friends as Course 10 is Hard”. Congratulations!
May 15, 2017
Prof. Brushett received the 2016/2017 C. Michael Mohr Outstanding Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching. This award is based on a vote by the undergraduate students. The course he taught was 10.301, which is sophomore-level Fluid Mechanics. Congratulations!
May 15, 2017
Andres received membership into Phi Beta Kappa, the SuperUROP Award, and the Robert T. Haslam Cup, which is awarded to a student who shows outstanding professional promise in Chemical Engineering. Congratulations!
May 15, 2017
Jessie received the BP Outstanding Performance in Research by a Junior Woman Chemical Engineer Award. Congratulations!
April 27, 2017
Prof. Brushett, Jeff, and Jarrod publish a collaborative paper discussing the discovery and evaluation of a new active material for non-aqueous redox flow batteries. Congratulations!
April 25, 2017
Jarrod successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Electrochemical Engineering of Low-Cost and High-Power Redox Flow Batteries.” Congratulations to Dr. Milshtein!
April 12, 2017
Prof. Brushett gives a seminar to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Utah State University on materials design criteria for next generation redox flow batteries.
April 10, 2017
Antoni Forner Cuenca has been awarded the Energy Technology Division 2017 Graduate Student Award for his work on fuel cell gas diffusion layers with patterned wettability for advanced water management strategies, awarded by the Electrochemical Society . Congratulations!
March 31, 2017
Tom presents his work on convection batteries at the MIT Deshpande Center’s IdeaStream: a gathering of venture capitalists, successful entrepreneurs, industry participants, and MIT researchers. Video footage can be found here .
March 30, 2017
Prof. Brushett gives a seminar to the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Lowell on materials design criteria for next generation redox flow batteries.
March 21, 2017
Prof. Brushett gives a seminar to the Department of Chemical Science & Technology at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” on redox flow batteries for large-scale energy storage.
March 15, 2017
Welcome to the newest Brushett Group member: Toni Forner Cuenca!
March 6, 2017
Prof. Brushett gives a talk at the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis on design criteria for next-generation redox flow batteries.
February 8, 2017
Jarrod co-authors a manuscript in collaboration with the University of Michigan. The paper, regarding salt free non-aqueous redox flow batteries, is published in ChemSusChem . Congratulations!
January 10, 2017
Sujat’s paper on electrodeposited tin electrodes for carbon dioxide reduction to formate is published in MRS Advances. Congratulations!
January 2, 2017
Welcome to the newest Brushett Group members: AJ Fenton and Katharine Greco!